American Experience: Walt Disney

Posted on Wed, 09/16/2015 - 12:00

WGBH’s American Experience: Walt Disney, which aired on PBS this week, was created independently of The Walt Disney Family Museum. The museum promotes the examination of Walt Disney’s life and legacy and is encouraged at the ongoing interest in this incredible icon of the 20th century.  

The American Experience program reminds us that part of the impetus for Diane Disney Miller's founding of The Walt Disney Family Museum was to respond to biographers and historians more eager to interpret Walt than to discover him. Her goal was to open the personal story of her father's life for the global community to read and experience--so that we can all find answers to questions about the man through the wealth of personal artifacts and primary sources on display. Diane said the museum was her book, and it is clearly as relevant and necessary a book today as it was when she founded it six years ago.

One of the museum's early blogs was entitled, In Defense of Walt, and it seems an appropriate time to make this available once more:

We welcome you to visit The Walt Disney Family Museum to learn more about Walt, the man. And through his story, we hope you will feel inspired to heed your own imagination and persevere in pursuing your goals.

If you have watched American Experience: Walt Disney, we’d love to hear what YOU think. #WaltDisneyPBS