Getting to Know Our Members: Martin "Marty" Fung

Posted on Wed, 04/25/2012 - 06:00

The inspiration of and appreciation for Walt Disney knows no boundaries. The Membership at The Walt Disney Family Museum certainly reflects this diversity. Each month, we introduce you to one of our Members, so you can see the varied and frequently fascinating people who have come together to learn and experience more about the life, work, philosophies, and ideals of Walt Disney. This month, we’d like you to meet member Marty Fung.

The first 18 years Marty's life were spent growing up in Fresno, CA. He attended Stanford University where he studied psychology and biology, and later moved on to Northwestern University in Chicago for Medical School.  As he loved big city living, Marty stayed there another 3 years for his pediatric residency, which is where he met his partner Michael Hughes. The two moved to San Francisco in 1994 and have been here ever since.  Currently, Marty is a pediatrician in the City--which Mike says he enjoys as an occupation because he gets to talk about toys and cartoons all day... Marty thinks Mike just may be right.

Why did you become a member of the Walt Disney Family Museum?

Marty: Around the time the Walt Disney Family Museum was about to open its doors my partner Mike presented me with one of the best birthday gifts ever: a Founding Level Membership to the museum.  I was excited to have the WDFM here in San Francisco, but to be a founding member made me swell with pride.   

What do you find the most enjoyable about your membership?

I love attending the special members only events.  Special movie screenings in the fabulous private theater, themed gatherings at the museum, guest lecturers – they all add another dimension to the Museum.  Additionally, when we attend a members only event we know we’ll be in the company of like minded people.  Disneyphiles are a special type of people, and when we get together there’s a natural camaraderie.  We tend to bond over our Disney experiences.  

What do you enjoy most about the Museum?

There is so much more to Walt Disney’s legacy than Disneyland.  The museum reminds me that Walt has enriched our lives in many ways - from technical advances to creative endeavors.  Every time I visit the museum I learn a new fact about Walt that makes me more impressed with the man than I was before. It’s kind of like watching the DVD extras after watching a move; you come to appreciate something much more when you know what’s gone on behind the scenes.

Along those lines I should mention that Mike and I really like looking at production art.  There’s so much of it at the WDFM and every time we visit we “ooh” and “ahh” over the ever changing pieces we discover.

How does Walt Disney inspire you?

Walt was a dreamer, but he had the will to see his dreams to fruition.  He had a playful spirit, and he knew how to channel that into his career.  He found a way to take the things he loved and make them a part of his life at work and at play.  When you love what you do, you will enjoy your life so much more, and you will make the lives of those around you much happier.

Walt also had a knack for getting us to connect to the child in all of us.  I’m not about to let go of being the adventurous, playful, romantic, creative dreamer that I am.  Walt never did.  Why should I?

What was your first Disney inspiration or memory?

When I was very young (maybe 5 or 6 years old) my family took a vacation to Disneyland.  In the park my dad bought me a playset that had a big transparent plastic castle and a ton of Disneykins figures.  I remember carrying that boxed playset all day.  My parents wanted to put it in the stroller with my little sister, but I insisted on holding on to it the entire time.  I played with that set for years, creating all sorts of stories and adventures.  I think Walt was instrumental in fostering my imagination and creativity.  I still have that playset – complete with all the characters in its original box! 

Anything else you would like to share about yourself?

In my spare time I love to cook and watch movies and play video games.  I’ve become an avid runner (thanks to Mike’s influence) and I’m proud to be a Disneyland Half-Marathon legacy runner, and to have completed Goofy’s Race and a Half Challenge at Walt Disney World.

I’m an avid comic book and toy collector.  I choose my breakfast cereal based on what toy is inside.  I have to go to a Disney park somewhere in the world every year.  I’ll never grow up.  

Membership in The Walt Disney Family Museum has many benefits, including a membership card that grants free admission, complimentary film tickets, a quarterly newsletter, and a discount in the Museum Store—as well as discounts on selected educational and public programs. In addition, several times a year, special events for Members only are held within the Museum itself. You can purchase immediate membership at Ticket Desk in the Museum during regular operating hours (Wednesday through Monday, 10:00AM to 6:00PM), or online by clicking here.