"Walt Disney's Disneyland liberates men to be their better selfs. The great thing is to walk around at Disneyland and see smiling people. And in the middle of the night you wake up and you feel something tugging at the corners of your mouth, and you put your hand up, and, by god, there's a smile there."
- Ray Bradbury
"Ray Bradbury and my father, Walt Disney, had a very special friendship—one of mutual admiration that began, of all places, in Bullocks Wilshire, where they literally almost stumbled into each other. This encounter resulted in an invitation from my dad for lunch at the Studio the following day. We interviewed Mr. Bradbury for our film, Walt: The Man Behind the Myth, and his beautiful, eloquent tribute to my dad is featured in the final gallery of our Walt Disney Family Museum. His presence in our museum is our tribute to him, and to that friendship he shared with my father. Our thoughts and condolences go out to his family, friends, and all who loved him."
- Diane Disney Miller