What Do YOU Do, Mary Beth Culler??

Posted on Mon, 01/07/2013 - 09:00

Each month, we ask a staff member to answer five questions about their position at The Walt Disney Family Museum, their fondest Disney memories, and personal tidbits. As we are ringing in the new year with fresh and inspiring, new public programs, we'd like to highlight someone who has an important role in bringing these programs to life. So this January, we ask Mary Beth Culler... what do YOU do?

What is your title and what do YOU do here at The Walt Disney Family Museum?I have the pleasure of being the Public Programs Coordinator for the Museum, which means working to develop all kinds of programming for our guests, ranging from the feature monthly programs, to the new Learn from the Masters series, to events we’re involved with outside the Museum such as the Presidio Games. I love what I do because I have the opportunity to work with talented guest presenters and build relationships within the business and arts communities. Now that we’re partnering with other museums, schools, studios, and filmmakers, the possibilities for programming are endless!

What is your fondest Disney memory OR what is your favorite gallery at the Walt Disney Museum and why?
When I first began working at the Museum in 2009, I was a member of the Front of House, so I became familiar with the content in the galleries and appreciated them all for different reasons.  But I would often find myself lingering at the end of Gallery 9 where information about Walt’s passing is displayed and where my favorite picture of Walt is located—the one where he’s seated, smiling and waving his hat. The picture actually reminds me of my father who’s gone, and it shows Walt at a time when he’s relaxed and happy, vacationing with his family. I’ve always thought it was a brilliant move to position that photo at the point in the Museum where the story takes such a poignant turn.

How does your job communicate and interpret the legacy of Walt Disney?
By bringing in speakers who can inform our guests about the life and achievements of Walt and the Disney Studios, as well as how Walt’s body of work has inspired so many in the areas of art, entertainment, business, and filmmaking, I help communicate and interpret Walt’s legacy.  It’s a huge responsibility but also a privilege.

Describe your workspace OR your favorite item on your desk: 
When I was a member of the Education team and was researching information for a Look Closer presentation on comedic influences on Walt, I came across a photo of Walt caught in the middle of a big laugh.  I made a copy and have it hanging on a wall by my desk.  It makes me smile and reminds me that so much of what Walt did during his life was for the purpose of entertaining people-- and laughter was a big part of the working environment at The Walt Disney Studios.  The photo also reminds me to lighten up!

Tell us a little known fact about you!
I grew up in Ohio and because of that had to enjoy all things Disney from a distance. I loved the Disney films and TV shows--especially The Mickey Mouse Club!--and always dreamed about riding in the spinning teacups, but I didn’t actually make it to Disneyland until a few years ago.