You're Invited: Mad Hatter's Tea Party!

Posted on Mon, 04/09/2012 - 06:00

If you missed last year's Mad Hatter's Tea Party, here's your chance to join in on the festivities! Come to a very merry unbirthday this Saturday, APRIL 14--limited tickets now available to our Facebook and Twitter friends and followers. Enjoy cakes and other treats, and oh, some tea, just half a cup--if you don't mind! Come in costume or wear your very best hat--please keep in mind that this is a family-friend event, so costumes should be in good taste. 

Schedule of Events:

1:00pm in the Theater: Parade of Hats -- Show off your best chapeau // Costume Review -- Exhibit your character

3:00pm in the Diane Disney Miller Exhibition Hall -- Tea is served // Prizes awarded and other delights!

Tickets are $45 for adults--$35 for children 10 years and younger--and can be purchased by e-mailing, or call 415-345-6810.