Getting to Know Our Members: Heather Werth!

Posted on Wed, 11/28/2012 - 14:00

The inspiration of and appreciation for Walt Disney knows no boundaries. The membership at The Walt Disney Family Museum certainly reflects this diversity. Each month, we’ll introduce you to one of our members, so you can see the varied and frequently fascinating people, who have come together to learn and experience more about the life, work, philosophies, and ideals of Walt Disney. This month, we’d like you to meet Heather Werth, who is not only one of our amazing, talented, and gracious volunteers, but also has an individual membership to our museum!

This is Heather, in her own words: Disney has been a part of my life since the day I was born. I spent the first seven years of my life living a mere three miles from Disneyland. My family would go to the park often, especially when family and friends visited us. After my father was transferred in his job to Utah, I was shocked to learn that not everyone had Disneyland in their backyard. Instead of being able to go to the park as often as I wanted, I spent my time reading everything I could get my hands on, and watching every TV show and movie, multiple times each. I even got a part time job at the Disney Store for 11 years just to get my Disney fix. Now that I am a bit older and I can get to the parks more often, Disney has provided new hobbies for me as well. I found my love of running at Disneyland.  I saw my first half marathon there and decided that I could do that. The very next year, I participated in that race and have been hooked ever since. Disney is my passion. It has provided me with so many happy memories, and Disneyland, in particular, is my place to go when I just need to run away from home.   

Why did you become a member of The Walt Disney Family Museum?
Being a life long Disney fan, I knew fate was on my side as soon as I read that they Museum was being built within a 20 minute walk from my house. How could I not be involved? More than being a member, I am a volunteer and have been from the beginning of the program. I really enjoy talking to folks who are visiting for the first time, or their hundredth time, and swapping stories and memories. I love the fact that I play a small, but important, role in extending Walt's legacy to future generations. 

What do you find the most enjoyable about your membership? 
I love the fact that I can just go explore any one of the galleries in depth at any time. Well, all of the galleries except 10. I have to walk quickly through that part or else I get the sniffles. I like going to the programs and events at a reduced price, even though I would gladly pay full price for the quality of programs I have experienced. I love that I have been blessed with meeting the other members, many with whom I have become close friends.

What do you enjoy most about the Museum?   
The Museum Store! I joke about this all the time as I am talking to guests as I always invite them to visit my favorite part of the Museum. Seriously though, I really enjoy seeing all of Walt's personal affects, such as the display in gallery 9b which has his heart-shaped hat that he gave to his wife, and a wooden box with the things that Walt kept by his bedside table, such as his watch, reading glasses, and a picture drawn by one of his grandkids. I also love the photos that he and his wife took at a photo booth in New Orleans. In a strange way, it makes me feel closer to him and feel as if I am getting an inside look into his life that you just can't read about in books.

How does Walt Disney inspire you? 
I am often inspired by him and try on a daily basis to use what I have learned. I love that regardless of the cost, he figured out a way to make his vision a reality. He trusted his employees to get the job done and encouraged them to do what they themselves sometimes didn't believe was possible even though he knew they could. I admire that even though his physical age proved he was older, he never gave up his child like wonder and delight over little things. 

What was your first Disney inspiration or memory? 
I remember going to Disneyland one summer when my Aunt, Uncle, and cousins came to town when I was about four years old. We had a great day and at the end of the day I, and one of my cousins--who is the same age as I am--each got one of those large latex balloons shaped like Mickey. Mine was pink and his was blue. For some reason I thought it would be a good idea to let my cousin's balloon go. To this day, my cousin is still sore about it and reminds me how mean I was that day. 

Anything else you would like to share about yourself? 
Growing up I always said that I wasn't sure who I was going to marry or what year I would get married, but that the date would be July 17th (the day Disneyland opened).  The night my husband proposed to me, and after I first uttered, "are you serious, are you kidding me?" then said "yes"... he then said "Oh, and July 17th will be just fine."  I knew then that I had found a keeper!

For more information on membership at The Walt Disney Family Museum, or to join today, please visit our membership page!