So Dear to YOUR Heart: Walt and My Family

Posted on Tue, 09/13/2011 - 06:00

In celebration of family month here at The Walt Disney Family Museum, we asked YOU to share your story of Walt was part of your family.

From the Hunsaker family:

"I grew up with a love for Walt Disney. My parents are very nostalgic and "Disney" is a part of that.  We loved hearing about Disneyland growing up and how amazing and magical it is.  I can remember being less than 5 years old and watching documentaries about Walt and getting books from the library to learn everything we could about him.  He's inspired my brothers and sisters to want to be film makers and story tellers.  He's magic. We loved to watch all of the old behind-the-scenes shorts about Disneyland and we would dream of going there someday.  There are 10 kids in my family and we all never made it there together.  I was able to take my kids there with my husband last year and it was so magical. We rented everything about Walt and Disneyland that we could get our hands on before we left.  My kids (ages 3,4, and 6) are in love with him too now.  I'm about to have our fourth baby and the kids and I are seriously considering his middle name to be "Walter."  We feel like we know him and want him to be a part of our family!"

Image: The Hunsaker Family: Brock, Amanda, Jonny and Tommy!


STORYBOARD reader Kathie Wellington recalls: "In the late 50's while visiting Disneyland, my mother misplaced her sweater. My mother was a large personality and an equally large woman, she was gregarious, to say the least. She could be expected to do the craziest things, she had the nickname 'Lucy'(after Miss Ball) because of this.

When she discovered that her sweater was missing, she headed to the lost and found department. As she was reaching for the door, out came Walt from that very door. Without a thought, she grabbed Walt and encased him in the biggest bear hug—that he was surprised goes without saying. When she realized what she was doing, and to whom, she let him go just as fast as she had grabbed him. He was red, she was red, and both were speechless for a moment.

The apologies were flying from my Mother's mouth, but Walt was the most gracious of people. What could have been the most embarrassing moment of my Mother's life, let alone MINE, (the headlines in my head read, "Fan Squeezes Walt Disney to Death") he said, "No apologies are necessary, I needed that bear hug!"

I love telling people of this meeting with Walt...It is an amazing memory."