Wednesdays with Ward: Looking Back

Posted on Wed, 03/04/2015 - 15:00

In honor of what would have been Disney Legend Ward Kimball's 101st birthday today, let's take a look back at the month-long celebration we had during Wednesdays with Ward. 

A Centennial Renaissance: 100 Years of Ward Kimball

Discover Ward's first and last love with an exploration through his passion and involvement with trains and railroading. Find out who Ward, the man, really was. 

Hail to the Chief: Ward Kimball and the Firehouse Five Plus Two

Take a look at the band that existed for 22 years: the Firehouse Five Plus Two!

Animated Contratrian: Celebrating Ward Kimball's Centenial Year
Explore the animator's alternative to the traditional Disney style—what we may call "illusion-of-life" animation. Read more about Kimball's original, humorous, and cognitive techniques. 

Ward Kimball the Artist

We've handed the mic off to Walt Disney, himself, who had a few words to say about Ward's artistry. Click through to tune in. 


Happy Birthday, Ward!