In celebration of The Walt Disney Company’s 100th anniversary, enjoy an exclusive screening of Westward Walt (2023), a new documentary from Disney Legend Don Hahn that chronicles the incredible events that led Walt and his brother Roy to Hollywood to open their animation studio 100 years ago. The film is narrated by Walt and Roy who tell their own story through archival interviews and never-before-seen footage.
See this special film only on Saturday and Sunday, October 21 and 22 during a double-feature with Frankenweenie, also produced by Hahn. Westward Walt will begin immediately after Frankenweenie at approximately 3:30pm—runtime is 38 minutes.
On-Sale Information
Tickets to Westward Walt (2023) are currently available by purchasing a ticket to either Saturday or Sunday—October 21 & 22—screenings of Frankenweenie (2012).