December 18, 1933

Posted on Tue, 12/18/2012 - 10:30

December 18, 1933, was a date marked by a very important event in Walt Disney’s life—and in ours! At a studio luncheon that day, Walt was being honored by Parents’ Magazine with a special award for “distinguished service to children,” in recognition of the delightful worlds of fantasy he had created on the screen. No sooner had magazine representative Marion Savage Sabin concluded her speech, praising Walt’s accomplishments and conferring this special award on him, than Walt received some whispered news, mumbled a hasty thank-you to the assembled guests, grabbed his hat, and bolted from the room. The reason was fitting enough: Walt Disney himself was about to become a parent.

Only a few of those present understood Walt’s behavior until the toastmaster of the luncheon, USC president Rufus Von Kleinsmid, explained. Walt and Lillian had been expecting a baby, the due date was near, and only that morning Lillian had been taken to Good Samaritan Hospital. That whispered news bulletin had been the word Walt was waiting for: the moment had arrived. Before the award luncheon had even dispersed, the studio received word that Lillian had given birth to a baby girl. Raising his glass, Von Kleinsmid announced to the assemblage: “I’d like to propose a toast to Miss Diane Marie Disney!”

Today, of course, we at The Walt Disney Family Museum know Diane Disney Miller as a dear friend, as the co-founder of our museum and of the Walt Disney Family Foundation, and as a tireless champion of her father’s legacy. Her own vision and enthusiasm are an inspiration that rivals that of Walt himself. Diane, on this special day, all of us in the WDFM family join in echoing Dr. Von Kleinsmid’s toast and wishing you a happy birthday!