Our Fifth Anniversary

Posted on Tue, 09/30/2014 - 12:22

Ron and Diane Miller (right oc center) examine the space at 122 Riley Avenue,
which is now known as the Diane Disney Miller Exhibition Hall, September 2007." />It’s hard to believe how quickly five years have passed, and my family and I could not be prouder of the journey that the museum has experienced so far. . . . 

On the museum's first anniversary, Diane said: "Our vision for the museum grew as we realized that whatever we did in my dad's name would have to be done in his manner: as well as we could possibly do it. . . . The most rewarding thing of all is the way it has been accepted by those who have visited. My goals were that our visitors would leave knowing my dad, inspired by his story, and that the whole experience would be a very pleasant one for them. . . . We are especially grateful for the support of our members, who have been enthusiastic about the museum and supportive of our programs. I want to thank them, and our wonderful staff, who do so much to make the museum experience a memorable one."

We hope the last five years have been as memorable for you as it has been for us. Thank you all for being a part of The Walt Disney Family Museum. We couldn’t have done this without you.

Ron Miller
The Walt Disney Family Museum Board Member
Son-in-Law of Walt Disney

This is an excerpt of the letter Ron Miller penned for the anniversary issue of our Members Magazine. For the full letter, become a member today!