Vacation Tips from Donald Duck

Posted on Sat, 06/09/2012 - 06:00

If you have yet to make your summer vacation plans here are some ideas from our Birthday Duck, Donald.  An intrepid traveler, Donald Duck has explored the world and seen the sights.  Maybe you are thinking of a Hawaiian Holiday for your summer get away.  Donald and the gang traveled to Hawaii in 1937 and enjoyed many of the island experiences.  With great surf and lots of sun you can’t go wrong with a day at the beach.  But, if like Donald you find your grass skirt ablaze, remember Stop Drop and Roll. 

If a tropical retreat isn’t what you are in the mood for maybe an afternoon on the links would be more your speed.  Donald’s Golf Game isn’t quite up to par, but that may be due to his club selection rather than his skill.  Choosing the right club may not lower your score, but it can lighten the mood… Especially if you don’t watch what your caddy hands you.

Sometimes though, you really need to get away from it all.  If that is the case for you, maybe getting back to nature with a little camping is what you need.  Donald’s Vacation in 1940 wasn’t quite what he was expecting but did teach us about boating and camp safety.  If you’re not careful you may get an up close look at the “backside of water.”  Also remember to properly secure your provisions to protect them from marauding bears and chipmunk.  Most importantly, though, as Donald aptly demonstrates, take only pictures and leave only foot prints.

Whatever your plans are for the summer, have fun!


Reed Milnes

Volunteer Services Coordinator