Drawing Cartoons

$325 members | $400 non-members
Every Sun, Oct 28–Dec 9 (No class Nov 25) | 10am–noon
Learning Center
Grades 3‑5

Walt Disney’s career began in the world of cartooning. From a young age, he envisioned himself as a cartoon artist and, in fact, drew many of the comics in his high school newspaper The Voice. With this passion, he created one of the most recognizable cartoon characters of all time. Join us for this six-week journey into the world of cartooning as you gain an understanding of how basic shapes can make your creations come to life. Design your own character by creating thumbnail sketches, concept art, and model sheets that demonstrate a wide range of emotion to produce a full turn-around.

All materials will be provided for students by the instructor. Students are encouraged to have a sketchbook of their own for drawing outside of class.

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