Wildlife ACT

Wildlife ACT is a non-profit organization that was established in South Africa in 2010 with a vision to save Africa’s iconic and endangered species from extinction, thereby enabling broad-scale biodiversity conservation. Through strategic partnerships and sustainable funding models, the organization's mission is to implement professional and strategic monitoring and research to enable and inform effective conservation management of wildlife; identify and develop programs within surrounding communities to support wildlife conservation; secure existing protected areas and support range expansion of African wildlife. 

Wildlife ACT’s vulture conservation program works towards the following three main objectives: population stabilization and habitat protection, education and community conservation, and improved advocacy. 

They believe that partnerships are crucial to effectively carry out the work required in this space, and that partnerships bring stability and consistency of approach with the benefits of continuity. As active members of Project Vulture, the Zululand Vulture Project, the Bearded Vulture Task Force, and the South African National Vulture Task Force, these objectives and the work that Wildlife ACT does to achieve them are guided by the Multi-species Action Plan to conserve African-Eurasian Vultures (Vulture MsAP), and contribute to the Biodiversity Management Plan for Vultures in South Africa. 

Vulture-Inspired Artworks

To purchase artworks from these artists, please visit our Creative Conservation Artwork Store.