Wish upon a star with WD-FM as Chris and Bri take a deep dive into Walt Disney's second animated feature film, Pinocchio (1940). An epic of animated cinema, Pinocchio is full of moments of artistic beauty and fun entertainment. Learn how this film was developed and some fun facts about the technology used to bring the film to life.
Time for our monthly WD-FM Museum Musings where you can catch up with Chris and Bri on upcoming events, programs, and more on our upcoming virtual community art exhibition, Conserving the Magic of Our Planet. Hear a special interview with Director of Education, Travis Lacina about our summer classes and engaging workshops.
Join Bri and Chris for this month's Museum Musings episode of the WD-FM Podcast, and stay for an interview with Executive Director Kirsten Komoroske discussing the museum's upcoming reopening. Listen wherever you get your podcasts or watch the video version on our YouTube channel.
Fall in with WD-FM as we explore the history behind our newest special exhibition, The Walt Disney Studios and World War II. Hear excerpts of interviews with Exhibition Curator Kent Ramsey, Director of Exhibitions Marina Villar Delgado, and Exhibitions Assistant Kaitlin Buickel to hear how they helped to bring this unique exhibition to the public.
Join us on International Podcast Day as we feature some of The Walt Disney Family Museum’s favorite Disney podcasters to discuss fascinating stories and facts centered on Walt Disney and the people who knew him best. Hear from familiar Disney voices—The Bancroft Brothers and Leonard Maltin—and also hear some of your favorite Disney fandom podcasts including Mousetalgia and our very own WD-FM.